
(税込) 送料込み



天然石×天然木 NOZ TIMEPIECES の完全受注生産の腕時計です。

2010年頃、比較的最近日本で広く流通するようになったピーモンタイトシスト。 ピンク色のよく似た鉱石であるロードナイトより、薄っすらと艶のあるピンク色とミルク色が混ざる優しく可愛らしい雰囲気の縞模様が特徴です。

価格:¥32,900 (税込)



カテゴリーレディース > 時計 > 腕時計(アナログ)
10491円NOZ TIMEPIECESレディース時計天然石×天然木 唯一無二の美しい模様の腕時計「NOZ」
Natural stone and Natural wood The one and only beautifully

Natural stone and Natural wood The one and only beautifully

Quartz Model / Blue-Green Apatite Natural Ebony Band

Quartz Model / Blue-Green Apatite Natural Ebony Band

Natural stone and Natural wood The one and only beautifully

Natural stone and Natural wood The one and only beautifully

Japanese pattern Ruri Ichimatsu / Quartz Model / Lapis Lazuli Natural  Walnut Band

Japanese pattern Ruri Ichimatsu / Quartz Model / Lapis Lazuli Natural Walnut Band

NOZ timepieces- Beautiful combination of natural materials. by

NOZ timepieces- Beautiful combination of natural materials. by

Double Movement Model / Picasso Stone Natural Ebony Band

Double Movement Model / Picasso Stone Natural Ebony Band

Quartz Model / Turquoise Natural Walnut Band NOZ natural

Quartz Model / Turquoise Natural Walnut Band NOZ natural

Natural stone and Natural wood The one and only beautifully

Natural stone and Natural wood The one and only beautifully

NOZ timepieces- Beautiful combination of natural materials. The

NOZ timepieces- Beautiful combination of natural materials. The

NOZ timepieces made of natural wood and stone | おもてなし

NOZ timepieces made of natural wood and stone | おもてなし

天然石×天然木 唯一無二の美しい模様の腕時計「NOZ」

天然石×天然木 唯一無二の美しい模様の腕時計「NOZ」

Quartz Model / Sodalite Natural Acacia Band NOZ natural timepieces

Quartz Model / Sodalite Natural Acacia Band NOZ natural timepieces

Hakken 八犬 on Instagram:

Hakken 八犬 on Instagram:

天然石×天然木 唯一無二の美しい模様の腕時計「NOZ」

天然石×天然木 唯一無二の美しい模様の腕時計「NOZ」

Hakken 八犬- Noz Timepieces | Model Shots Double movement

Hakken 八犬- Noz Timepieces | Model Shots Double movement

Natural stone and Natural wood The one and only beautifully

Natural stone and Natural wood The one and only beautifully

NOZ natural timepieces made of wood and stone on X:

NOZ natural timepieces made of wood and stone on X:

Hakken 八犬 - Noz Timepieces — Model shots Pocket watch... | Facebook

Hakken 八犬 - Noz Timepieces — Model shots Pocket watch... | Facebook

NOZ natural timepieces made of wood and stone レビュー - きゅうべ

NOZ natural timepieces made of wood and stone レビュー - きゅうべ

NOZ timepieces- Beautiful combination of natural materials. The

NOZ timepieces- Beautiful combination of natural materials. The

Double Movement Model / Green Mica Natural Ebony Band NOZ natural

Double Movement Model / Green Mica Natural Ebony Band NOZ natural

NOZ natural timepieces made of wood and stone on X:

NOZ natural timepieces made of wood and stone on X:

Natural timepieces- NOZ | Koshigaya-shi Saitama

Natural timepieces- NOZ | Koshigaya-shi Saitama

天然石×天然木 唯一無二の美しい模様の腕時計「NOZ」

天然石×天然木 唯一無二の美しい模様の腕時計「NOZ」

NOZ timepieces- Beautiful combination of natural materials. The

NOZ timepieces- Beautiful combination of natural materials. The

Hakken 八犬 on Instagram:

Hakken 八犬 on Instagram:

Quartz Model / White Jade Natural Ebony Band NOZ natural

Quartz Model / White Jade Natural Ebony Band NOZ natural

☆未使用品☆NOZ TIMEPIECES☆木製腕時計☆箱・付属品あり☆税込☆EY(3

☆未使用品☆NOZ TIMEPIECES☆木製腕時計☆箱・付属品あり☆税込☆EY(3

NEW ITEM 天然石×天然木 唯一無二の美しい模様の腕時計「NOZ」

NEW ITEM 天然石×天然木 唯一無二の美しい模様の腕時計「NOZ」

NOZ timepieces- Beautiful combination of natural materials. by

NOZ timepieces- Beautiful combination of natural materials. by

NOZ natural timepieces made of wood and stone on X:

NOZ natural timepieces made of wood and stone on X:

NOZ timepieces- Beautiful combination of natural materials. The

NOZ timepieces- Beautiful combination of natural materials. The

Double Movement Model / Imperial sodalite Natural Sandalwood Band

Double Movement Model / Imperial sodalite Natural Sandalwood Band

天然石×天然木 唯一無二の美しい模様の腕時計「NOZ」

天然石×天然木 唯一無二の美しい模様の腕時計「NOZ」

NOZ timepieces 36mm ソーダライト|mercariメルカリ官方指定廠商

NOZ timepieces 36mm ソーダライト|mercariメルカリ官方指定廠商

Hakken 八犬 - Noz Timepieces — Model shots Pocket watch... | Facebook

Hakken 八犬 - Noz Timepieces — Model shots Pocket watch... | Facebook

中古・古着通販】NOZ TIMEPIECES (ノズ) リストウォッチ|ブランド

中古・古着通販】NOZ TIMEPIECES (ノズ) リストウォッチ|ブランド

Noz Timepieces ——— Model shots | Quartz model from Noz timepieces

Noz Timepieces ——— Model shots | Quartz model from Noz timepieces

DOUBLE MOVEMENT MODEL ダブルムーブメントモデル/チャロアイト 45mm

DOUBLE MOVEMENT MODEL ダブルムーブメントモデル/チャロアイト 45mm

Double Movement Model / Red Jasper Natural Sandalwood Band

Double Movement Model / Red Jasper Natural Sandalwood Band









