Willow Tree Loving My Mother、手描きフィギュア
(税込) 送料込み
商品名 | Willow Tree Loving My Mother、手描きフィギュア |
ブランド名 | Willow Tree |
商品コメント | メッセージ:エンクロージャカードに「I"m here for you, as you "ve always been for me」と書かれています。 高さ6.5インチの手描きの樹脂フィギュア。座った年配の女性が肩に立っており、手で抱擁されています。 大人の娘と年配の母親の世話関係を表現するギフト。一緒に人生を進めると役割の役割は必然的に逆転になります; 愛する人を覚えておく贈り物になります。 ぴったりしたボックスに梱包され、贈り物に最適です。 アーティストSusan Lordiの手は、ミズーリ州カンザスシティのスタジオのWillow Tree作品のオリジナルを彫刻しています。 この作品はSusanのオリジナル彫刻から鋳造され、手作業でペイントされています。 棚、テーブル、炉棚にすぐに飾れます。 お手入れは、柔らかいブラシや布で埃を落とします。 |
- タクトショップ
- 家具、インテリア
- 家具、インテリア
- インテリア雑貨
- オブジェ、置き物

Willow Tree Loving My Mother, Here for You, as You've Always Been for me, Expresses Caring Relationship Between Adult Daughter and Mother, Remembrance

Willow Tree Loving My Mother, Here for You, as You've Always Been for me, Expresses Caring Relationship Between Adult Daughter and Mother, Remembrance

Willow Tree Loving My Mother, Here for You, as You've Always Been for me, Expresses Caring Relationship Between Adult Daughter and Mother, Remembrance

Willow Tree Loving My Mother, Sculpted Hand-Painted Figure

Amazon.com: Willow Tree Loving My Mother, Here for You, as You've

Willow Tree Loving My Mother, Here for You, as You - Amazon.com

Amazon.com: Willow Tree Mother and Son Figure Plus My Girls Figure

Willow Tree MotherDaughter, Laughter with Love… Always, Gift to Celebrate Relationship Between Mother and Child, Focus on Closeness and Playful

Willow Tree Loving My Mother Figurine | The Paper Store

Willow Tree for Always, Now and for Always, I Carry You in My Heart, Celebrates Love Between Mother and Child, Reminder of Special Time of Life,

Willow Tree Child of My Heart, Sculpted Hand-Painted Figure

Willow Tree MotherDaughter, Laughter with Love… Always, Gift to Celebrate Relationship Between Mother and Child, Focus on Closeness and Playful

Willow Tree Ever Remember (ウィローツリー・エバー・リメンバー

Willow Tree Ever Remember (ウィローツリー・エバー・リメンバー

Willow Tree Mother and Son Figure Plus My Girls Figure, Sculpted Hand-Painted 2-Piece Set

Willow Tree MotherDaughter, Laughter with Love… Always, Gift to Celebrate Relationship Between Mother and Child, Focus on Closeness and Playful

Willow Tree Loving My Mother Figurine | The Paper Store

Willow Tree Ever Remember (ウィローツリー・エバー・リメンバー

Amazon.com: Willow Tree Loving My Mother, Here for You, as You've

Willow Tree My New Baby (Sky), Sculpted Hand-Painted Figure

Amazon.com: Willow Tree Loving My Mother, Here for You, as You've

Amazon.com: Willow Tree Loving My Mother, Here for You, as You've

Amazon.com: Willow Tree Loving My Mother, Here for You, as You've

Amazon.com: Willow Tree MotherDaughter, Laughter with Love… Always

Amazon.com: Willow Tree MotherDaughter, Laughter with Love… Always

Willow Tree Mother Daughter Figure | The Paper Store

Amazon.com: Willow Tree Loving My Mother, Here for You, as You've

Amazon.com: Willow Tree Loving My Mother, Here for You, as You've

Amazon.com: Willow Tree Loving My Mother, Here for You, as You've

Willow Tree Loving My Mother Figurine | The Paper Store

Amazon.com: Willow Tree MotherDaughter, Laughter with Love… Always

Amazon.com: Willow Tree MotherDaughter, Laughter with Love… Always

Willow Tree Mother Daughter Figure | The Paper Store

Amazon.com: Willow Tree Loving My Mother, Here for You, as You've

Loving My Mother figurine | Official Willow Tree

Willow Tree Ever Remember (ウィローツリー・エバー・リメンバー

Amazon.com: Willow Tree MotherDaughter, Laughter with Love… Always

Willow Tree Mother's Day Figurines | Mercari

Loving My Mother Figurine by Willow Tree – Willow Tree Gift

Willow Tree Mother Daughter Figure | The Paper Store